Friday, February 18, 2011

To a new start!

I'm probably two months late, yes I am! I should've written this blog in January when everyone was literally wishing Happy New Year to each other. But never mind, like they say, it’s better late than never.
The reason why I titled this 'To a new start!' is because there are so many things I realised last year, let go off last year and welcomed last year. The year was quite a mixed bag. From depressing moments to the happiest ones, from having fallen on my face to standing up and making my own identity, there was just so much I did and mind you, learnt too in the process. There was a time, guessing somewhere mid last year where I was wondering, 'what am I doing in life?'. And trust me, when that question pops up in your head, you end up realising that you really aren't what you think you are. Some realise how messed up they are while some just get to know that life isn’t as easy after all.
Coming back to the question in my head, this one day when I was bored with my previous job, there was something inside me that kept saying, ‘this is not what you’re supposed to be doing and it’s clearly not what you’re born to do.’ People kept saying, ‘you’ll adjust, you’ll get used to it, but I knew it for sure that no, I really wouldn’t be satisfied with anything that I would do there. I sure made some friends there, but I was not myself. I knew I wanted to write. I’d lie if I said that’s what I wanted to do all my life, but somewhere, years ago, the writing bug bit me. There was a voice inside me, screaming out loud and trying to give me a push to go get what I really wanted.
Everything was so complete in my life, except for something very important – job satisfaction. I looked around if I could get something somewhere where I could get to showcase my writing but nothing seemed to work out. Then this one fine day, with the help of my sister (I love you!) and this very kind man (my sister’s friend), then unknown to me but now a very dear friend (Thank you very much), I managed to get a job that honestly changed my life. The minute I started working there, it just felt good. It was like finding the piece that propelled the completion of a puzzle. I felt good about my work, myself and just everything around me. Sure there were ups and downs at work, and they will continue to be, else there is no other way a person will learn. In the process, I landed up meeting a girl (now a very close friend), and we hit it off from the very beginning. Of course, right now, I have more than just one very good friends at work and it feels lovely.
Anyway, I made friends, very good friends rather who I can proudly say are brilliant people, brilliant human beings. My relationship with myself became better. You know, your relationship with others reflects your relationship with yourself, wherever you may be in your personal development. I became a better friend to myself and I hope somewhere, to others as well.
Today, at this point, no matter what, I can happily say that I have a life filled with some very, very special people and this New Year has started off at a good note. It’s a new beginning and a new journey with all the people I know and moreover, with myself!

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