Saturday, January 14, 2012

If you love it, do it!

This is bad. Yes, it really is! I haven't blogged since August. And it is really funny that I haven't because I've written so much over the months, but somehow never published anything.

Sometimes, we just get so involved in things and people around us, or rather our life in general, that we tend to ignore doing something we actually love.

Our daily rountine involves work, meeting friends and more often than usual, we're tired as hell by the end of the day. A lot of times we ignore meeting 'this one' and 'that one'. Either it is out of choice of due to lack of time. But at some point, we make sure or rather make the effort to make it up to the person we dithced. Why don't we do that we something we love to do?

In my case, that one thing is blogging. I thoroughly enjoy it, but at the same time, I have some reason to postpone it. Why? I still wonder! Its not that I don't write, but for some reason I don't write things I would want to publish. Why is that? No answer!

Looking back at the last few months, I've now realised that ignoring something one really enjoys doing is not really the best decision. Do what your heart wants you to. Do what gives you happiness. It could be something as silly as cleaning your room. Bizarre, I know! But if it makes YOU happy, then do it.

Make sure this new year, you will do what makes you happy! Make sure that if there's something you love to do, you will do it!

Happy New Year!