Sunday, April 10, 2011


Writing has always fascinated me. Whether it's mine or someone else's, it just seems fascinating. I especially love it when people realise how much fun it is penning down their thoughts, feelings and emotions. Whether the realisation is early or late, it doesn't matter. What matters is the fact that now you finally know what you enjoy doing.

For some, writing is just a hobby, while for some (including me) it is more than just that. For me it's my hobby, my profession, my way of letting all my thoughts out in the open and now, practically a way of life. I've lost count of the number of diaries I've written and not let a single person read and sometimes, even know. At that time, it was mainly because I didn't write for anyone to read and I honestly didn't think my writing was worthy enough of being read. But after much contemplation and a huge argument with myself, I realised that my writing is not for the world to like or dislike. My writing is for me. Whether anyone likes it or no doesn't really matter. What matters is that after I've penned it all down, I'm happy and I'm at peace with myself.

I'm glad that today, at this point, I've got the platform to learn and showcase my work. I'm happy that with each passing day, I learn something new, something more and with each passing day, my passion for writing deepens. And all of this is because of that one day when I realised that this is what I enjoy doing and this is what I will do.

What matters in this life is could be about anything, absolutely anything!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Those weird things

Those weird things you feel at times. Sometimes you don't realise for yourself. Those thoughts are so different. I'm listening to one of my favourite songs right now. I have great company, but never did I think that I would get up in the middle of something to just write this.
I just feel so different. It certainly is a great feeling. I feel happy, stupid, funny, blaah to say the least, but I love it. I'm thinking so many different things at this point in time. In fact, sometime back, I was going through my old posts and I realised that even though what I wrote back then, be it even just a month ago, it was all so different.
I feel like a new person today. I feel like a new life all together. Life keeps changing every minute. I learnt so many new things in the last one month. Learnt things to the extent where I had to be given a reality check by my dear friends and myself as to what I was doing. I don't know who to thank and who to apologise to, but nevertheless, I hope it ain't too late- so SORRY and THANK YOU to all those who've really been there and will always be there.
I feel like singing this song out aloud, but more importantly, I want to write this down. Like someone who is with me at the moment says, "It probably is the moment of inspiration." Well said but I don't know if it is just that. May be it is that with so many other feelings together. May be it is the time for me to just let it all out.
So, here I go all out in the open- I may not be the best at doing this, but I thoroughly enjoy it. This feeling of having mixed feelings gives me this sudden boost to start somethings afresh, repair some damaged relationships and to take along some new formed ones. It is absolutely great.
You may not actually enjoy reading this, but somewhere, I'm sure you might just relate to what I'm saying!
La Life!